The First Annual Dixie 4 Wheel Drive Offroad Car Show and Swap Meet at Sand Hollow State Park was a huge success. Great crowds with big smiles all around, and many thanks to everyone for coming out.
Thank you to
- Matt’s Offroad Recovery and Fab Rats for donating your time and proceeds from photos to UPLA.
- Brandi Farra Stern‘s marketing efforts and Rich @ Trail Hero for all your support
- Car Show Entrants and Swap Meet Booth Owners
- All the UPLA Volunteers for helping us run the event
At the end of the show, we had 2 special surprises….
* Paul and Michelle Cox came over to the UPLA booth and presented us with a $2500 check to support our efforts
*Matt Wetzel and the Matt’s team came over and pledged to offer their support in meeting our match goal to complete the Desert Roads and Trails Society Group Page Water Tank Road paving project.
Thank you everyone, it’s often said that it takes a team,
We say “We Can’t Do It Without You”