Suggestions for Making Effective Comments for Travel Management

People often ask what they can say to make their comments effective, or “substantive”. Most
comments do a pretty good job at telling What you want, what’s often missing is the Why which
justifies your comments. There are many justifications that BLM cites for every proposed closure or
restriction to access for each trail, and it is impractical for you to write meaningful comments on all
of them. If everyone running a trail just picks the items most important to you from the list below
and states specific reasons why the trail should remain open.

We really need your input on individual routes, we can’t get it any other way. The more detail you
give the better, but even if you only write about one or two – that will make a tremendous impact in
preventing BLM from making arbitrary decisions to close or restrict OHV access to that trail, and
give us better grounds for legal challenges. Perhaps the most important things for recreationists to
convey about a given route are its value and its manageability.

Click Here to See All Our Suggestions as a PDF

Click Here to See A Sample BLM Route Report for The Barracks Trail

Suggestions on Topics for Making Comments With Sample Route Report